Day 3

Day 3

Pray for your neighbors who don’t know Jesus. When you think about “your neighbor,” who comes to mind? It could be the person living next door to you, a friend at work or even your regular barista. Your neighbor is anyone that God has put in the path of...
Day 2

Day 2

Pray for your family members who don’t know Jesus. Maybe you’re the first person in your family who decided to follow Jesus. Or maybe you come from a family who has been following Jesus for many generations. Whatever your story is, God has given you a unique...
Day 1

Day 1

Pray For Your “3” Who are your “3”? They could be your neighbors, family members, or co-workers. Pray and ask God to bring to mind 3 people in your life who don’t have a relationship with Him (yet). Take some time right now to pray for those three people,...